After posting these sea salt caramels to my instagram feed, I received countless e-mails asking where to find the recipe on the blog! Thank you for your enthusiasm (and your patience) while we worked on putting this post together. These sea salt caramels are the perfect little treat to gift to friends during the holiday season. The […]
I love decorating our home for the holidays. I always have. Sometimes I even start planning what I want to do months in advance. This year has been different though. As Christmas approached quickly this year, Jamie and I debated if we should make our house a little festive or just skip it altogether this year. […]
Below the hill from our apartment sits a beloved Seattle diner. It’s the kind of diner where people crowd the sidewalks waiting for their turn to be seated. It’s also the kind of diner that gets all decked out for Christmas. Their windows are painted with winter scenes. They have every part of their building […]