
sinclair and moore tutorial library


Creating inspired work begins with working in an inspired space. We’ve always believed in the importance of having an inspired space to create within, even during the early years when the business started in the basement of Steve’s home. Our current studio is located in the historic Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. The instant we walked […]

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Our Story

Our story began years ago when I was eleven years old and saw Steve Martin and Martin Short’s Father of the Bride in the movie theater. I was mesmerized by the flowers, the cake, the swans and the twinkle lights hanging from the tent ceiling. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I wanted […]

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sinclair & moore scholarship

Can I be honest? When I announced I was going to offer 5 scholarships to people I had a fear run through me… “what if no one applies…” I actually started trying to come up with friends in the industry I could gift scholarships to in the event that no one else was interested. I […]


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timeless tradition

fresh inspiration

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